Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I knew this would happen..

So...as much as I didn't want it to, I haven't written faithfully like I wanted to.


This time I'm not going to promise to keep writing every day like I normally would. I'll only promise to write as much and as often as I can.

New updates:
-My sister was saved!! In our revival last week..I'm so proud of her. She is a new person:)
-I have become addicted to the show Lost. It's sooooooo good.
-I am becoming closer to God than I ever have. Digging in the word has def. done me good.

I enjoyed the snow Sunday! Pulling the car hood out made me wish I lived in a place where it snows more often! But i'm still loving Mississippi.

I'm learning how to speak ubbi dubbi. In this "language" you place a ub in front of every vowel.
Hubey! (Hey!)
You get it...

Well that's just about my life right now. Check ya later!!